111 Minna makes "Sketch Tuesdays" happen,..last night was the 38th event of its kind. Curated by my very good buddy BKA ie: Brad K. Alder, bradkalder.com,..Sketch Tuesdays was inspired by the " Monster Drawing Rally " from Southern Exposure. The former curator of sketch tues. was Sascha Eckes, who made very funny hip drawings, and an all around cool chic, but Sascha moved away to I forget where, like Brazil or something I think, any way, she passed the tourch on to 111Minna slave, Brad K. Alder, and for the past, I'd say 2 years or so, Brad's been pulling in big names such as Henry Gundersen and Jeremy Fish, just to name a few. Along side such " emerging" artists, (if you can even call me that) as my self. I have been to many sketch Tuesdays and always have a blast, sometimes I am at the table with the big hitters, sometimes I just bring my sketch book, sometimes I take a night off and just look, buy cheap art and drink. GOOD TIMES!!!
Last night I was at the big table, I made 3 drawings and sold 2 outta 3, not bad! The art critic Ron Turner bought my first one, he usually does, nice guy, usually gets me a beer too, love that! {Ron Turner www.lastgasp.com}. A regular lady and her husband bought the other one, it had an owl in it, people love owls these days, If I made 10 owl drawings I bet they'd all sell...Owls are "in" right now..haha. But anyway here is a list of a few other peeps that were featured in sketch tuesdays...Just incase it inspires you to be around some of your favorite artists, check out this Fecal Face link too, they are usually there taking pics, I am in a bunch in this one, FUN!! http://www.fecalface.com/SF/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=1531&Itemid=90 check fecal face in the future for more sketch tuesdays, usually the last tuesday of the month I believe..
Artists: Josh Ellingson, Dennis Mc Nulty (love him), Jesse Balmer, Helen Bayly, (my fellow mural painter), Manuel Ocampo, DAVe, Erik Parra and many many more!!!
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Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Last nights Mural launch, Oct 23rd 2009
Last night was a blast, thank you to everyone who could make it out! There was art, music, and dance, and I got a pic taken with the mayor! good times, good times!!! Our mural got a pic on the front of the "bay area" section of the Chronicle, check that out, you can also see it online at links.sfgate.com/ZILP. You can also find a little video about Art in store fronts and a one second glimpse of a piece of the mural at http://abclocal.go.com/kgo/story?section=news/local/san_francisco&id=7080751. So that all said, please enjoy some pics, but most important, go and see it in person, along w all the other fabulouse art installations along market and the TL. !!! Thank you again!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Almost finished Mural, Wed. Oct 21st...Super awesome

Yes, Super Awesome....super super awesome!!! So many peeps showing up and helping out, almost randomly! A few people were scheduled some were just drop in's, but either way, I am impressed!
Pear Art Store showed much love again. let us use their ladder, their drill, their epoxy...they just keep helpin on stop!!! I LOVE PEARL!! People walking by loved it, and most were very supportive. There are always the few grumps, or nay sayers, even the deer we put up just yesterday had damage to it this morning, but nothing some wood glue staples and nails can't fix. Graffiti is also inevitable...but it's o.k.,... it's all worth it, even if we gotta go back and fix it up from time to time! We more or less finished it today, but may add some clouds tomorrow, there is a lot of empty space. Thank you San Pancho Art Collective, Paul showed up and helped clean up some messy parts we had goin on, and helped hammer and screw in some parts, Brad K Alder from 111 Minna, and just a long time buddy,.. came out and brought a drill, helped secure the wood cut out animals to the wall and we all had a beer afterwards..good times!!! I and Helen will also be in Sketch tuesdays again at 111 minna tuesday, so please come out and support, and don't forget the mural/sfac art in storefronts opening friday night 5-7pm, central market, 6th and market!!!
Brad K. Alder,
Helen Bayly,
Leanne C. Miller,
San Pancho ARt Collective,
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Long day of exaustive, awesome muraling...oct. 20th 2009
Hi all, Today was a great day of Muraling!!! Sunday Helen and I went out and did some out lines of buildings on the space at 6th and market next to Pearl Art. By the way, Pearl has always been my favorite art store in all of SF, but now I have a renewed love and respect. They have helped us from the beginning!! They let us borrow their ladder, and store our paint in their back room, and have just been so nice, come out to talk and all kinds of good stuff!!! Much love to Pearl, and their prices are good too!!! If you can, give em' a good yelp or something!!! Such positive supporters of art!!! and artists!!
Speaking of awesome support, Jin and Ray from San Pancho Art Collective came out today, they helped paint with rollers, and use Jins car, ..they helped detail and clean up the images, they were so great, supportive and awesome! I can't thank them enough, and great artists too! We got a lot done, although we had a crazy young gutter punk type say he was going to "F#$k up" our mural when we were done... Hopefully he was just mean and didn't mean it...I can't imagine what he could possibly have against our Native plants and animals of the Bay Area, I mean, who doesn't want to "Find Themselves in Nautral History"...haha!!! Thats the name of the piece, " Find yourself in natural history.". So check out the piece as of today, and BTW, thanks to all those who also came out and just said hi!!! We love love love to say hi to everyone who comes by, Marty, Brad, Micheal, ETC... u know who you are!!!
Saturday, October 10, 2009
mural photos

Mural opening,
natural flora and fauna,
Friday, October 9, 2009
Akira Beard show at shooting gallery
Akira Beard who recently put his work up at Pure Beauty is doing it again, but this time its at the super awesome and super cool Shooting Gallery, 839 Larkin st SF!! His work is super fantastic! Saturday Oct. 10th 2009, 7-11pm. Come out and support some art, get some drinks, brave the cold.etc etc... check him out at http://www.timbuk2.com/tb2/cms/artistOriginals/artistBios/akiraBeard.htm, OR http://www.happenstand.com/sanfrancisco/events/2514-c3-kmndz-akira, OR http://artnouveaumagazine.com/blog5/2009/08/31/akira-beard-c3-and-johnny-rodriguez-show-at-the-shooting-gallery/ OR http://www.flickr.com/people/akiraaa/ OR http://www.facebook.com/people/Akira-Beard/167779303, OR http://neverstopseeing.com/interviews-with-artists/akira-beard...........Seriously folks, He's awesome, and a BIG DEAL!!! His work is whitty, beautiful, full of maddening detail, political, social...and sometimes he likes to push buttons. I have a piece of his called "AMerican Trash", It has Hulk Hogan ripping off his clothes and looking crazy..If your not convinced, just GOOGLE HIM!!!
Thanks kids!!!
Oh Yeah, The next Art walk on haight st will be on the first friday of november featuring San Pancho Art Collective!!! check out our blog too!!! sanpanchoart.wordpress.com/
Thanks again!!
Akira Beard who recently put his work up at Pure Beauty is doing it again, but this time its at the super awesome and super cool Shooting Gallery, 839 Larkin st SF!! His work is super fantastic! Saturday Oct. 10th 2009, 7-11pm. Come out and support some art, get some drinks, brave the cold.etc etc... check him out at http://www.timbuk2.com/tb2/cms/artistOriginals/artistBios/akiraBeard.htm, OR http://www.happenstand.com/sanfrancisco/events/2514-c3-kmndz-akira, OR http://artnouveaumagazine.com/blog5/2009/08/31/akira-beard-c3-and-johnny-rodriguez-show-at-the-shooting-gallery/ OR http://www.flickr.com/people/akiraaa/ OR http://www.facebook.com/people/Akira-Beard/167779303, OR http://neverstopseeing.com/interviews-with-artists/akira-beard...........Seriously folks, He's awesome, and a BIG DEAL!!! His work is whitty, beautiful, full of maddening detail, political, social...and sometimes he likes to push buttons. I have a piece of his called "AMerican Trash", It has Hulk Hogan ripping off his clothes and looking crazy..If your not convinced, just GOOGLE HIM!!!
Thanks kids!!!
Oh Yeah, The next Art walk on haight st will be on the first friday of november featuring San Pancho Art Collective!!! check out our blog too!!! sanpanchoart.wordpress.com/
Thanks again!!
Monday, October 5, 2009
Mural progress finally!!
Hi everybody,
We officially started on the mural yesterday, not just doing paperwork and buying supplies, but we got wood, carried it home, drew and cut the wood panels out for it. As I mentioned before We are applying wood cut outs to the wall where the mural space is. The Natural flora and fauna, being anywhere from 3 ft tall to ten feet long, are drawn and cut out, thanks to my good buddy Marko from Euro Construction and his trusty jigsaw. Today we are priming all of the cut outs and hopefully wednesday we will be painting them in color!!! We accept donations of house paint and such, lots of natural colors, greens, browns etc...If ya have any, please share! Well, I will post some photos soon of progress too!! Probably this weekend! YEAH!! We Will be installing the 19th-22nd, so If you can help, please do!!! Send an e-mail, leave a message!!
We officially started on the mural yesterday, not just doing paperwork and buying supplies, but we got wood, carried it home, drew and cut the wood panels out for it. As I mentioned before We are applying wood cut outs to the wall where the mural space is. The Natural flora and fauna, being anywhere from 3 ft tall to ten feet long, are drawn and cut out, thanks to my good buddy Marko from Euro Construction and his trusty jigsaw. Today we are priming all of the cut outs and hopefully wednesday we will be painting them in color!!! We accept donations of house paint and such, lots of natural colors, greens, browns etc...If ya have any, please share! Well, I will post some photos soon of progress too!! Probably this weekend! YEAH!! We Will be installing the 19th-22nd, so If you can help, please do!!! Send an e-mail, leave a message!!
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