I will start with the announcement of the great artist, Yukako Ezoe's opening 6-8pm at Pure Beauty Salon on Haight street. We are a week late this time, so it will not coincide with the haight st art walk, but that matters not. Yuka went to San Francisco Art Institute, and currently teaches mural classes and works with the Precita Eyes mualists while showing at bay area galleries, she recently had a show at N.O. on Valencia Street in San Francisco. Yukako makes collage/mixed media work, using brightly colored whimsical characters, often including animals from Octopi to lions, to express her ideas of cultural awareness to improve social conditions and promote the idea of beauty in diversity. The show is as usual, 6-8pm at 1650 haight st San Francisco, at Clayton street. Please come upstairs in our salon/gallery, and behold Yuka's work, she will also have her jewelry for sale that night, great for gifts this holiday season, No?? ( She sells this jewelry all over the bay area, Portland and New York, hot stuff huh?) There will be wine and treats to enjoy, so please come out and support!!! For more information see Bahamakangaroo.etsy.com for her jewelry, and Yukakoezoe.com for her artwork.
Next is the very exciting news of my art collectives opening of the Incline Gallery. San Pancho art collective started a few years ago by my good friend Christo Oropeza. I immediately jumped on board knowing it was a great opportunity and that Chris was a dreamer with the drive to make it happen. Since then we have had two successful and fun fundraisers both at El Rio in the mission, and participated in many art walks, including our first group show at Pure Beauty Salon about a year ago. Chris has wokred hard for us to get a great website, http://www.sanpanchoartcollective.com/, and had presences at festivals and art conventions. The Inclines Grand Opening "Something from Nothing" was a smash hit! Huge turn out, and we even sold a few pieces of work, incredible for a first time homespun group of 20-early 30 somethings!! Respected people such as Alam Bamberger of Artbuisness.com and SanFranciscoartbeat.com came thru. Sf art beat.com gave a rave review as the number one "Cool art collectives" in the Bay Area! See: http://http//sanfranciscoartbeat.com/2010/09/28/some-cool-art-collectives-in-the-bay-area/. Our gallery hrs this week, dec 13th-19th are: Wed. 12-6, fri 2-8, sat 12-5, and sunday 2-8pm. O.k., enouph, here are some photo's!