Yes people, we have finally signed the contracts and are beginning the exciting process of beginning a mural. At first we are going to purchase supplies like wood and paint Etc...We are using wood for the animals and plants in the mural, will paint the "characters", and cut them out and then "install" (probably drill) the pieces on to the actual wall its self that will have a city scape painted on it. This is going to be very fun and exciting!! If you want to help, leave a message. Install week will be 19-22 nd of October. Until then Myself and Helen Bayly will be working at another location (our backyards and art studio) working on the wood pieces mentioned above. For more information go to If you are curious, the spot is at 6 th and market, Right to the Left of Pearl Art store, YEP that huge 110 ft long gray wall, that used to be the old St Francis Theatre.
Also, please come out for the Opening party Oct 23rd! 5-7pm!!! Feel free to leave comments on here, pics and more updates will come as we make progress!!