Top left is Rafael and myself workin on a panel with a gardening box bookended by Praying mantises, which are "helper Bugs" in any organic garden, as they eat bad bugs like afids n' stuff!! The other panels you are seeing also have garden boxes, hands, plants, gardeners, clouds and more site specific images like a Veggie cart at the cross streets of Gough and Eddy! Also This spot is the old burnt out site of the St Paulus Church so the "steeples" you see are from images I found of the church, which burnt down in 1995 or 96. The people you see here are some of the same peeps in other pics, but there is me, Leanne C. Miller, Dan Stromberg, in the blk and red shist, Rafael, an old friend from SFAI, Paul Jimenez from SPAC, and the photographer is Alexa Rose Frazier Herron, also a friend from SFAI.
Let me know what you think. but keep in mind, I am working with ALL donated materials, but the brushes we are using are mine, amoung other things. The paint was all donated from ads on Craigslist. Except 3 pints of red, yellow and blue, that were mine. I also doing this for free. I work on it when I'm not at work and it's not raining. I will be working on it again come January. A few weeks off due to rain, sickness and holiday combination. It'll be mighty cold in January, but hopefully I can get out there and finish it up quickly! Come spring there will be the beginning of a fabulouse community garden and a mural too!!! Yeah!!
Leanne C. Miller