Yesterday was all about details, some shading, cleaning up lines...putting little shines on the lady bug wings....just a few hours out there, had other stuff to do, but an other wise productive bit of time....
The top right are huge potatoes growing out of the ground, when all is done there will be wood cut outs "growing" out of the top as a plant. As if the mural goes beyond the box. it's

painted in! And here above is a "happy little squash", as Bob Ross would say. I think you can tell from that picture you can see the textures I am dealing with, it's very difficult to paint on this surface with out it having that.."crayon" effect. I have to thin out the paint and paint each thing 2 or 3 times sometimes just to fill in all the cracks and dots that don't get paint in them. It's a lot of work to be doing for free. But it's a good cause, their garden is really coming along, they installed wall plots over an area of the wall that was chronically being graffitied over, took care of that!! See their progress at ...www.urbanshare.blogspot.com or TamaraLowenstein.wordpress.com! Thanks for checkin this out!! Don't know when I'll find time to be out again, but I hope it's soonder than later!!
-Leanne C. Miller, fanciemammal