Here are the final pics of the mural being painted on the last day, and more pics of a fundraiser/ opening for the garden and mural. I gave a little talk, ate some amazing food, and listened to an amazing musical artist, Lia Rose play some awesome songs, which you can check out at http://kck./bgPVUa. Then Novella Carpenter, one of the successful urban farmers in Oakland, who recently wrote a book, gave an awesome speech. She has even grown and cooked food for the Black Panthers, or whats left of a commemorative activist group in their name. Please look her up, an amazing and funny as hell woman. The box above is a beehive, yes they keep bees, super cool!!! There is o much life in what used to be a dirty vacant lot full of trash, now it's a well organized dirt filled garden!!
I was also asked to work on another part of the garden and re-do some murals on the north side, which I agreed to. Why not?! and I can do whatever I want to the walls, animals will be there for sure, probably native SF animals n stuff. Thats about it. Thank you for your attention and interest! If you have not, please check out my show at Cafe Royale 800 post st. before the end of the month!!!
Branden and his friend chris k helped me on the last day, as well as Ray ortiz from the San Pancho Art collective!! sweet deal!!!