Here are the finished pieces that were in my may 6th Cafe Royale show. If you didn't get to see them in person, here they are for your eyes to behold, and mind to assess. These are almost all experiments. By that I mean they are acrylic, and spray paint, and also my usual oil paint, some have all three in one! We'll see if they fall apart. I also poured a resin over them, you can see it in the pictures on some of them. The largest piece is the one with the rabbits on it, it's about 4 1/2 ft by about 2 1/2 to three ft wide. That one is traditional, just good old oil paint and other solvents and things that one would normally use on an oil painting. If you read in the earlier blog, these are about the family dynamic, I used animals like fossa's and moles and rabbits, that are commonly known to kill their offspring in times of diress. You can take from that what you will, I'm not writing an artists statement here. Maybe in the future. But I plan on making another body of work, which may or may not be related.
Friday was the Haight st Art walk, it was alot of fun, a decent but small crowd showed up, one of the artists brought a bottle of whiskey, and we proceeded to polish that off before the end of the night! It was a good time, the work is up till the first week of july, so stop in at 1560 haight st if you'd like to check it out!
-Leanne, da fancie mammal