I am sad to announce that this Friday June 3rd will be the last First Friday show at Pure Beauty on haight street. But on the other hand, I am proud to have Amelia Konow's Photographs in "Roam".
Friday June 3rd 2011, "Roam" by Amelia Konow
6-9pm, snacks and refreshment will be served as always, and please feel free to BYOB if 2buck chuck doesnt suit your taste.
Amelia describes this show as:
In the past three years I have moved across America twice and traveled to Turkey, Holland, France and Panama. While on these trips I carried my Poloroid camera with me, to capture landscapes and abstract compositions. My surroundings were constantly changing and each place was a new experience seen with fresh eyes. The plane and car rides in between always left me drifting off and daydreaming about my adventures, often while watching the clouds. Between the towns and the various citites I traversed the only thing that stayed the same was that everything was guaranteed to change. Roam is the story of my journey - not just the places in between.
-Amelia Konow
Thank you for reading this blog, hopefully a new opportunity will present it's self to me and I will be able to keep curating somewhere. It has been a wonderful opportunity to show my friends art and help artists to have their first solo shows. But maybe it's my turn to have the art shows. Maybe I will find time to paint more, and perfect my craft. I just don't know where I am going artistically, but I know I have an apartment full of art work, and a head full of ideas. Hopefully some of them are good enough to make me stand out in some way.